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Concerts durant el confimanent


Malgrat el confinament Hirundo Maris ha ofert peces als seus seguidors per les xarxes socials.

Stella Splendens (Llibre Vermell de Montserrat) with Hirundo Maris, Les haulz et les bas and special guest Pilar Figueras Edit: Petter Udland Johansen Llibre Vermell

In The times of Covid-19 Arianna Savall: Soprano and Medieval double harp (Franz Reschenhofer) Gesine Bänfer: Flute Pilar Figueras: Recorder Ian Harrison: Tenor and Cornetto muto Petter Udland Johansen: Tenor and Cister

Franz Schubert. Die Nacht in the time of COVID-19

Arianna Savall, Sopran (From Basel)

Petter Udland Johansen, Tenor (From Basel)

Michal Nagy, Guitar (From Krakow)

També han participat en tres misses on-line de la Zwinglihaus Basel.


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